July 10, 2019
Oathtaker was chosen for comment in a video article published by Ezvid Wiki. Entitled, Action Packed Fantasy Books That Will Make You Yearn For Adventure, the video article provides a list of 12 great fantasy reads. Please do take a minute to check it out for yourself (and also take a look at the other books mentioned, a list of which is set out below).
Founded in 2011, Ezvid Wiki was the world's first video wiki, is now among the top 3,000 websites in the U.S., and has over 425,000 YouTube channel subscribers. (You might be interested to learn that Ezvid Wiki does not accept any paid sponsorships from publishers or authors!) I do hope you will take some time to review Ezvid Wiki's great materials!
Oathtaker was chosen for comment in a video article published by Ezvid Wiki. Entitled, Action Packed Fantasy Books That Will Make You Yearn For Adventure, the video article provides a list of 12 great fantasy reads. Please do take a minute to check it out for yourself (and also take a look at the other books mentioned, a list of which is set out below).
Founded in 2011, Ezvid Wiki was the world's first video wiki, is now among the top 3,000 websites in the U.S., and has over 425,000 YouTube channel subscribers. (You might be interested to learn that Ezvid Wiki does not accept any paid sponsorships from publishers or authors!) I do hope you will take some time to review Ezvid Wiki's great materials!
The empires of The Oathtaker Series
Who is Mara? Tell me more!

June 1, 2018
On her site, author and book blogger Connie Huddleston keeps a list of her favorite Indie authors. It is wonderful to share the news that Oathtaker, Select, and Ephemeral and Fleeting have all been added to that list, as has Ignorance Is Not Bliss. Do check out Connie's site, her reviews and her recommendations!
On her site, author and book blogger Connie Huddleston keeps a list of her favorite Indie authors. It is wonderful to share the news that Oathtaker, Select, and Ephemeral and Fleeting have all been added to that list, as has Ignorance Is Not Bliss. Do check out Connie's site, her reviews and her recommendations!
Here is more about Oathtaker (4). The importance of abiding by an oath.
Tell me about Oathtaker (3)
Check out the video clip from an interview with Patricia Reding about The Oathtaker Series. |

Ignorance is Not Bliss: A Primer for Authors – Protect Your Work—and Yourself is now available in print and ebook forms. If you're a writer, you'll want to be sure you pick up a copy. With it you'll learn about things like: how to choose strong and potentially protectable titles; what copyright protection is and how it works; what to do if someone infringes on your rights or claims you’ve infringed on theirs; how assignments and licenses work; who owns rights to the audio version of your book; the power of a DMCA notice; and so, SO much more!
I was fortunate to get to present the material in this work, Ignorance is Not Bliss at The Great American Book Festival & Writers’ Conference, held in Rapid City, SD, over the 2017 Labor Day weekend while I was there to accept two Silver Medals for Ephemeral and Fleeting: The Oathtaker Series, Volume Three, from the Literary Classics International Book Award Contest. We all had a great time. Check out my pics of the event here.
Ignorance is Not Bliss: A Primer for Authors – Protect Your Work—and Yourself is now available in print and ebook forms. If you're a writer, you'll want to be sure you pick up a copy. With it you'll learn about things like: how to choose strong and potentially protectable titles; what copyright protection is and how it works; what to do if someone infringes on your rights or claims you’ve infringed on theirs; how assignments and licenses work; who owns rights to the audio version of your book; the power of a DMCA notice; and so, SO much more!
I was fortunate to get to present the material in this work, Ignorance is Not Bliss at The Great American Book Festival & Writers’ Conference, held in Rapid City, SD, over the 2017 Labor Day weekend while I was there to accept two Silver Medals for Ephemeral and Fleeting: The Oathtaker Series, Volume Three, from the Literary Classics International Book Award Contest. We all had a great time. Check out my pics of the event here.
September 1-2, 2017, The Great American Book Festival and the Literary Classics International Book Award Contest Events in Rapid City, SD.
Great times had by all!

September 1, 2017. More exciting news! Select: The Oathtaker Series, Volume Two, is named a semifinalist in The Kindle Book Review 2017 Contest! Find the list of all of the semifinalists here.
September 2017: An Interview with Patricia Reding, hosted by Chess Desalls, a fellow Literary Classics award winner. Check it out!
August 3, 2017: An Interview with Patricia Reding, hosted by Literary Classics. Find it here.
Literary Classics Announces Youth Media Book Award Recipients
Release Date: July 1, 2017
Literary Classics
[email protected]
SOUTH DAKOTA – The 2017 Literary Classics International Book Award recipients have been announced. Selected from submissions by entrants around the globe, these distinguished honorees are recognized for their contributions to the craft of writing, illustrating, and publishing exceptional literature for a youth audience. In this highly competitive industry these books represent the foremost in literature in their respective categories.
The competition this year was tremendous and we congratulate all honorees for their outstanding and inspiring work. All Silver, Gold and Top Honors award recipients will be invited to attend a writers’ conference, awards ceremony, formal gala, and other related events in Rapid City, South Dakota, to be held in conjunction with the Great American Book Festival, Labor Day Weekend, 2017.
The Literary Classics selection committee is proud to recognize this year’s titles in literature which exemplify the criteria set forth by the Literary Classics selection committee.
The full list of award winner is found here. (Included is Ephemeral and Fleeting: The Oathtaker Series, Volume Three, winner of TWO SILVER medals!)
Literary Classics, an organization dedicated to furthering excellence in literature, takes great pride in its role to help promote classic literature which appeals to youth, while educating and encouraging positive values in the impressionable young minds of future generations. Judging is based upon the criteria set forth by Literary Classics’ highly selective awards committee which honors books promoting character, vision, creativity and learning, through content which possesses key elements found in well-crafted literature.
The Literary Classics judging committee is comprised of experts with backgrounds in publishing, writing, editing, design, illustration, and book reviewing. To learn more about Literary Classics, visit their website at www.literaryclassicsawards.com.
Release Date: July 1, 2017
Literary Classics
[email protected]
SOUTH DAKOTA – The 2017 Literary Classics International Book Award recipients have been announced. Selected from submissions by entrants around the globe, these distinguished honorees are recognized for their contributions to the craft of writing, illustrating, and publishing exceptional literature for a youth audience. In this highly competitive industry these books represent the foremost in literature in their respective categories.
The competition this year was tremendous and we congratulate all honorees for their outstanding and inspiring work. All Silver, Gold and Top Honors award recipients will be invited to attend a writers’ conference, awards ceremony, formal gala, and other related events in Rapid City, South Dakota, to be held in conjunction with the Great American Book Festival, Labor Day Weekend, 2017.
The Literary Classics selection committee is proud to recognize this year’s titles in literature which exemplify the criteria set forth by the Literary Classics selection committee.
The full list of award winner is found here. (Included is Ephemeral and Fleeting: The Oathtaker Series, Volume Three, winner of TWO SILVER medals!)
Literary Classics, an organization dedicated to furthering excellence in literature, takes great pride in its role to help promote classic literature which appeals to youth, while educating and encouraging positive values in the impressionable young minds of future generations. Judging is based upon the criteria set forth by Literary Classics’ highly selective awards committee which honors books promoting character, vision, creativity and learning, through content which possesses key elements found in well-crafted literature.
The Literary Classics judging committee is comprised of experts with backgrounds in publishing, writing, editing, design, illustration, and book reviewing. To learn more about Literary Classics, visit their website at www.literaryclassicsawards.com.

June 16, 2017: EXCITING NEWS!
As my author profile mentions, by day, I practice law. Specifically, I practice "intellectual property" law. That is, I help others to protect the value property they own that cannot be felt or touched--like trademarks (brands) and copyrights. I am thrilled to announce that I will speak on the issues at the Great American Book Festival & Writers' Conference, to be held in conjunction with the festival in Rapid City, SD, Friday, September 1, 2017. Learn what you can do to protect your property from infringement by others, and how to avoid infringing on the rights of others. Do join us!
As my author profile mentions, by day, I practice law. Specifically, I practice "intellectual property" law. That is, I help others to protect the value property they own that cannot be felt or touched--like trademarks (brands) and copyrights. I am thrilled to announce that I will speak on the issues at the Great American Book Festival & Writers' Conference, to be held in conjunction with the festival in Rapid City, SD, Friday, September 1, 2017. Learn what you can do to protect your property from infringement by others, and how to avoid infringing on the rights of others. Do join us!
Ephemeral and Fleeting: The Oathtaker Series, Volume Three, is named a finalist in the Literary Classics 2017 International Book Award Contest.
2017 Literary Classics Book Award Finalists Announced
Release Date: June 15, 2017
Literary Classics Announces Youth Media Top Book Award Finalists
Rapid City, SD - The annual tradition continues with the arrival of one of the most anticipated moments in the world of children’s and young adult literature. The 2017 Literary Classics Book Awards and Top Honors Book Awards Finalists have been announced. Selected from submissions by entrants around the globe, these distinguished honorees are recognized for their contributions to the craft of writing, illustrating, and publishing exceptional literature for a youth audience. In this highly competitive industry these books represent the foremost in literature in their respective categories.
The competition this year was tremendous and we congratulate all of the finalists for their outstanding and inspiring work. Final awards, categories and levels will be announced on July 1, 2017. All Silver, Gold and Top Honors award recipients will be invited to attend a writers’ conference, awards ceremony, formal gala, and authors’ book signing to be held in conjunction with the Great American Book Festival, Labor Day Weekend, 2017.
The Literary Classics selection committee is proud to recognize this year’s titles in literature which exemplify the criteria set forth by the Literary Classics award selection committee.
(Click here for the list of finalists.)
2017 Literary Classics Book Award Finalists Announced
Release Date: June 15, 2017
Literary Classics Announces Youth Media Top Book Award Finalists
Rapid City, SD - The annual tradition continues with the arrival of one of the most anticipated moments in the world of children’s and young adult literature. The 2017 Literary Classics Book Awards and Top Honors Book Awards Finalists have been announced. Selected from submissions by entrants around the globe, these distinguished honorees are recognized for their contributions to the craft of writing, illustrating, and publishing exceptional literature for a youth audience. In this highly competitive industry these books represent the foremost in literature in their respective categories.
The competition this year was tremendous and we congratulate all of the finalists for their outstanding and inspiring work. Final awards, categories and levels will be announced on July 1, 2017. All Silver, Gold and Top Honors award recipients will be invited to attend a writers’ conference, awards ceremony, formal gala, and authors’ book signing to be held in conjunction with the Great American Book Festival, Labor Day Weekend, 2017.
The Literary Classics selection committee is proud to recognize this year’s titles in literature which exemplify the criteria set forth by the Literary Classics award selection committee.
(Click here for the list of finalists.)
March 24, 2017 - Ephemeral and Fleeting: The Oathtaker Series, Volume Three goes LIVE!
While in Las Vegas for the Literary Classics Awards Ceremonies in October 2016, Patricia did a reading at the Vegas Valley Book Festival. As you can see, it was loud and windy, but OH SO MUCH fun!

October 13-15, 2015, Las Vegas. The Literary Classics International Book Awards Contest festivities!
Looking forward to October 15, 2016: Check out the events, noted below. See you in Las Vegas for book signing, readings, and more!

So many activities!

September 1, 2016
How very exciting! Select: The Oathtaker Series, Volume Two, earns a Finalist award in the 2016 Readers Favorite International Book Award Contest. I suppose I should make plans to go to the awards ceremony in Miami in November. Yes?
How very exciting! Select: The Oathtaker Series, Volume Two, earns a Finalist award in the 2016 Readers Favorite International Book Award Contest. I suppose I should make plans to go to the awards ceremony in Miami in November. Yes?

July 1, 2016
Select: The Oathtaker Series, Volume Two, wins a SILVER medal in the 2016 Literary Classics International Book Award Contest!
Select: The Oathtaker Series, Volume Two, wins a SILVER medal in the 2016 Literary Classics International Book Award Contest!
June 15, 2016. Select: The Oathtaker Series, Volume Two, is named a Finalist in the Literary Classics International Book Award Contest. Final results will be posted July 1, 2016.

April 23, 2016 - Select: The Oathtaker Series, Volume 2, earns the Literary Classics Seal of Approval.
The AWP Convention and the Literary Classics Awards Ceremony - April 2, 2016
I had such fun at the convention and awards ceremony. More pics to follow. In the meantime, take a look at these!

March 25, 2016 - Oathtaker is named a Finalist in the Beverly Hills International Book Award Contest!
Calling all readers in the Los Angeles area and those who will attend the AWP conference next week. Please join me at the LA Convention Center on Saturday, April 2, 2016, at the Literary Classics Booth #855 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. for a book signing. I look forward to meeting you.
November 21, 2015: Select: The Oathtaker Series, Book Two, is released.
Exciting News! October 15, 2015

Oathtaker: The Oathtaker Series, Book One, earns a GOLD MEDAL in the 2015 Literary Classics International Book Award Contest!
October 1, 2015: More Exciting News! Oathtaker has been selected as a finalist in the Literary Classics 2015 International Book Award Contest. Read more here.

Monday, September 14, 2015, Oathtaker earns the Literary Classics Seal of Approval.

Friday, June 5, 2015: Although SELECT, Book Two of The Oathtaker Series, is not yet published, it has earned its first 5-star review from a Readers' Favorite reviewer. Her final words were: "Another winner! I loved it and can't wait for more!"
The cover for SELECT is in the works--so, things are moving forward!
The cover for SELECT is in the works--so, things are moving forward!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014: Nominated "best debut author" here. Competition closes on Tuesday the 30th of December at 12pm GMT. If it is not too late--I would love your vote!
November 23, 2014. Here I am, in Miami. The bottom pic is with Debra Gaynor, the CEO of Readers' Favorite (who is holding my book), accepting my award for OATHTAKER from the Readers' Favorite 2014 International Book Award Contest. It was a wonderful and exciting night.
October 1, 2014. The Readers' Favorite 2014 International Book Award Contest Winners are announced in a press release here. How exciting to find Oathtaker among the award-winners!
September 22, 2014. A Press Release! Find it here.
September 22, 2014. Check out the interview of "yours truly" with Raymond Bolton here.

September 1, 2014. Oathtaker wins Honorable in the Readers' Favorite 2014 International Book Award Contest and is selected as one of ten books that WindDancer Films will take a look at for possible film or television adaptation.
August 18, 2014. I am delighted to be the guest today, of author, Kurt Chambers, on his blog here. Kurt's latest, The Wrath of Siren, was just released. If you are looking for a good fantasy read for middle-graders, look no further!
July 28, 2014. What fun, to do an interview for "The Wonderings of One Person!" Check it out here.
July 14, 2014
I received news today that OATHTAKER was chosen as a finalist in four categories of the Readers' Favorite annual award contest: Fiction Fantasy; Young Adult Fantasy; Fiction - Adventure and Fiction - Intrigue.
This is wonderful and amazing news. Now I have to determine whether I should try to make it to the contest awards ceremony in Florida in September. What do you think?
I received news today that OATHTAKER was chosen as a finalist in four categories of the Readers' Favorite annual award contest: Fiction Fantasy; Young Adult Fantasy; Fiction - Adventure and Fiction - Intrigue.
This is wonderful and amazing news. Now I have to determine whether I should try to make it to the contest awards ceremony in Florida in September. What do you think?

May 23, 2014
I had a great time at Grey Cloud Middle School. I read portions of Oathtaker to each of the classes, ran a drawing for each of them, and voted on their own stories and children's books. What fun!
I had a great time at Grey Cloud Middle School. I read portions of Oathtaker to each of the classes, ran a drawing for each of them, and voted on their own stories and children's books. What fun!

May 2, 2014. Published revised version of Oathtaker.

October 16, 2013: See the interview of me on the Cult of Me blogspot here. So, who do you think is the person from history with whom I said I would want to spend a day if I could. . . ?

September 23, 2013: Posted the first portion of OATHTAKER on Wattpad. Open it here, VOTE for it and leave a message!

September 7, 2013: OATHTAKER earns 5-star reviews from Readers' Favorite. Check out the page for OATHTAKER ON Readers' Favorite here. Take a moment to TWEET the posting, to LIKE the page and to GOOGLE+ post it! It would be greatly appreciated!

July 26, 2013: A New Interview of "Yours Truly" on Library of Erana here. Thank you so much, Library of Erana!

I met one of the hostesses of this site/blog through Goodreads. I was delighted when she invited me to be showcased as the "Author of the Week" and, of course, quickly jumped at the opportunity! Thank you, Lindsey and the BEHIND THE SCENES AUTHOR group! Find the posting here and more about BEHIND THE SCENES here.
I met one of the hostesses of this site/blog through Goodreads. I was delighted when she invited me to be showcased as the "Author of the Week" and, of course, quickly jumped at the opportunity! Thank you, Lindsey and the BEHIND THE SCENES AUTHOR group! Find the posting here and more about BEHIND THE SCENES here.
BEA (BOOK EXPO AMERICA) show in NYC, May 29 to June 1, 2013
I had a wonderful time in NYC and it was fun to meet some readers interested in epic fantasy. Here is a shout-out to C.J. (wherever you are) and Kate Tilton (who may be found here at www.katetilton.com)! I hope to be hearing more from you all.
I had a wonderful time in NYC and it was fun to meet some readers interested in epic fantasy. Here is a shout-out to C.J. (wherever you are) and Kate Tilton (who may be found here at www.katetilton.com)! I hope to be hearing more from you all.
May 25, 2013. My debut Interview

I was delighted to be interviewed by Robin Lythgoe for her blogspot, here. Robin is the author of AS THE CROW FLIES, a delightful tale that I highly--highly recommend! My interview of Robin and my review of AS THE CROW FLIES will be posted on June 6 to coincide with Robin's up-coming book tour. Take a minute to check out Robin's site/blog.
May 24, 2013. The Wonderings of One Person
I was thrilled and honored to be reviewed by Shadowplay. Her blog posting about OATHTAKER, was posted today. I can't do justice to expressing the gratitude that I feel . . . . See the posting here.
May 17, 2013. Joining some local students to talk about--writing! (What else?)

I shared some readings with students at a local student and answered their questions about writing and stories and so forth. (They asked terrific questions!) They shared their writing with me. How talented they all are! I had a great time! Congratulations to CONNOR who won a copy of OATHTAKER. Have fun reading, Connor . . .