![]() Recently, I met an amazing young woman, Veronica Clay, who it so happens, is quite the writer! We chatted briefly about flash fiction—finding ways to tell BIG stories with few words, and thought we might do some flash fiction writing together. (See the side post.) A short time later, Reyna, another terrific and talented young woman who I've known since she was born (and who it so happens, is friends with Veronica), decided she would like to join us. Together we three decided we would choose a single pic, and then each of us would write a story using it for inspiration. The simply gorgeous pic we chose, entitled, Maori Pirate Princess, is provided, below. You can find more information about it, here. Of course, I never make things easy, so I decided to tell a story about the subject of this artwork as though she was not a pirate. Below is my offering. I hope you enjoy it! Having received permission from both Veronica Clay and Reyna Myvett, their stories are also set out, below. They are fabulous! Throwback Awakening |
April 2022
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